Personality ProfilesĪnother unique feature of this Bible is the profiles of many biblical people. It also includes a brief application-focused summary to help you understand why this book is important today. Book Introductionsīook introductions give quick visual cues to what each book is about including vital statistics, a timeline, and an easy to understand outline of the main events, stories, and themes throughout the event. These include book introduction maps that tell the story of the places in the Bible book, and thumbnail maps in the notes that plot geographic movements in the Bible. The Life Application Study Bible has numerous maps, building a thorough and comprehensive Bible atlas right into the pages of this Bible. Charts & DiagramsĬharts and diagrams help readers visualize different concepts and relationships and their significance in the book, throughout the Bible and in our lives. Cross-ReferencesĪ carefully organized cross-reference system in the margins of the Bible text helps you find related passages quickly, including parallel passages and text quoted from another passage.

In addition to providing many application notes, the Life Application Study Bible offers several kinds of explanatory notes, which help you understand culture, history, context, difficult-to-understand passages, background, places, theological concepts, and the relationships of various passages of Scripture to other passages.